241 human active and 13 inactive phosphatases in total;
194 phosphatases have substrate data;
336 protein substrates;
83 non-protein substrates;
1215 dephosphorylation interactions;
299 KEGG pathways;
876 Reactome pathways;
last scientific update: 11 Mar, 2019
last maintenance update: 01 Sep, 2023
Glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase hydrolyzing glycerol-3-phosphate into glycerol Thereby, regulates the cellular levels ofglycerol-3-phosphate a metabolic intermediate of glucose, lipidand energy metabolism Was also shown to have a 2-phosphoglycolatephosphatase activity and a tyrosine-protein phosphatase activityHowever, their physiological relevance is unclear(PubMed:26755581) In vitro, has also a phosphatase activitytoward ADP, ATP, GDP and GTP (By similarity)
Carbon metabolism is the most basic aspect of life. This map presents an overall view of central carbon metabolism, where the number of carbons is shown for each compound denoted by a circle, excluding a cofactor (CoA, CoM, THF, or THMPT) that is replaced by an asterisk. The map contains carbon utilization pathways of glycolysis (map00010), pentose phosphate pathway (map00030), and citrate cycle (map00020), and six known carbon fixation pathways (map00710 and map00720) as well as some pathways of methane metabolism (map00680). The six carbon fixation pathways are: (1) reductive pentose phosphate cycle (Calvin cycle) in plants and cyanobacteria that perform oxygenic photosynthesis, (2) reductive citrate cycle in photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria and some chemolithoautotrophs, (3) 3-hydroxypropionate bi-cycle in photosynthetic green nonsulfur bacteria, two variants of 4-hydroxybutyrate pathways in Crenarchaeota called (4) hydroxypropionate-hydroxybutyrate cycle and (5) dicarboxylate-hydroxybutyrate cycle, and (6) reductive acetyl-CoA pathway in methanogenic bacteria.
The reactions of glycolysis (e.g., van Wijk and van Solinge 2005) convert glucose 6-phosphate to pyruvate. The entire process is cytosolic. Glucose 6-phosphate is reversibly isomerized to form fructose 6-phosphate. Phosphofructokinase 1 catalyzes the physiologically irreversible phosphorylation of fructose 6-phosphate to form fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. In six reversible reactions, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is converted to two molecules of phosphoenolpyruvate and two molecules of NAD+ are reduced to NADH + H+. Each molecule of phosphoenolpyruvate reacts with ADP to form ATP and pyruvate in a physiologically irreversible reaction. Under aerobic conditions the NADH +H+ can be reoxidized to NAD+ via electron transport to yield additional ATP, while under anaerobic conditions or in cells lacking mitochondria NAD+ can be regenerated via the reduction of pyruvate to lactate