Collapse Statistics
241 human active and 13 inactive phosphatases in total;
194 phosphatases have substrate data;
336 protein substrates;
83 non-protein substrates;
1215 dephosphorylation interactions;
299 KEGG pathways;
876 Reactome pathways;
last scientific update:
11 Mar, 2019
last maintenance update:
01 Sep, 2023



DEPOD - the human DEPhOsphorylation Database

Prof. Dr. Maja Köhn
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Schänzlestr. 18
79104 Freiburg

Telefon: +49 0761 / 203 – 67900
Telefax: +49 0761 / 203 – 97419
Email: maja.koehn(at)

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Prof. Maja Köhn

Dr. Yamini Chand

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DEPOD has been carefully compiled based on thorough research using expert knowledge. However, the possibilty of errors during the processing and implementation of the content cannot be fully excluded. Please direct your queries/remarks/suggestions to maja.koehn(at)

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European Bioinformatics Institute European Molecular Biology Laboratory Marie Curie Actions European research council BIOSS Uni-Freiburg Uni-Freiburg Marie Curie Actions
