Localization (UniProt annotation) Cytoplasm Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton Nucleus matrix Function (UniProt annotation) Vimentins are class-III intermediate filaments found invarious non-epithelial cells, especially mesenchymal cellsVimentin is attached to the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, andmitochondria, either laterally or terminally Involved with LARP6 in the stabilization of type Icollagen mRNAs for CO1A1 and CO1A2 Catalytic Activity (UniProt annotation) N/A Protein Sequence MSTRSVSSSSYRRMFGGPGTASRPSSSRSYVTTSTRTYSLGSALRPSTSRSLYASSPGGVYATRSSAVRLRSSVPGVRLL
ELM Motif Motif Instance
Description Motif Regex NA NA NA NA
VIM is dephosphorylated by following phosphatases:
Pathway ID Pathway Name Pathway Description (KEGG) hsa05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a gamma-herpes virus that widely infects human populations predominantly at an early age but remains mostly asymptomatic. EBV has been linked to a wide spectrum of human malignancies, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma and other hematologic cancers, like Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma (BL), B-cell immunoblastic lymphoma in HIV patients, and posttransplant-associated lymphoproliferative diseases. EBV has the unique ability to establish life-long latent infection in primary human B lymphocytes. During latent infection, EBV expresses a small subset of genes, including 6 nuclear antigens (EBNA-1, -2, -3A, -3B, -3C, and -LP), 3 latent membrane proteins (LMP-1, -2A, and -2B), 2 small noncoding RNAs (EBER-1 and 2). On the basis of these latent gene expression, three different latency patterns associated with the types of cancers are recognized. hsa05206 MicroRNAs in cancer MicroRNA (miRNA) is a cluster of small non-encoding RNA molecules of 21 - 23 nucleotides in length, which controls gene expression post-transcriptionally either via the degradation of target mRNAs or the inhibition of protein translation. Using high-throughput profiling, dysregulation of miRNAs has been widely observed in different stages of cancer. The upregulation (overexpression) of specific miRNAs could lead to the repression of tumor suppressor gene expression, and conversely the downregulation of specific miRNAs could result in an increase of oncogene expression; both these situations induce subsequent malignant effects on cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis that lead to tumor growth and progress. The miRNA signatures of cancer observed in various studies differ significantly. These inconsistencies occur due to the differences in the study populations and methodologies used. This pathway map shows the summarized results from various studies in 9 cancers, each of which is presented in a review article.
Pathway ID Pathway Name Pathway Description (KEGG) R-HSA-264870 Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins. Caspase-mediated cleavage of a number of proteins in the cortical actin network ( ) microfilament system and others involved in maintenance of the cytoskeletal architecture (vimentin, or Gas2 and plectin) may directly contribute to apoptotic changes in cell shape R-HSA-390522 Striated Muscle Contraction. Striated muscle contraction is a process whereby force is generated within striated muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry, or in short, increased force being exerted on the tendons. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step that is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. Striated muscle is a type of muscle composed of myofibrils, containing repeating units called sarcomeres, in which the contractile myofibrils are arranged in parallel to the axis of the cell, resulting in transverse or oblique striations observable at the level of the light microscope.Here striated muscle contraction is represented on the basis of calcium binding to the troponin complex, which exposes the active sites of actin. Once the active sites of actin are exposed, the myosin complex bound to ADP can bind actin and the myosin head can pivot, pulling the thin actin and thick myosin filaments past one another. Once the myosin head pivots, ADP is ejected, a fresh ATP can be bound and the energy from the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is channeled into kinetic energy by resetting the myosin head. With repeated rounds of this cycle the sarcomere containing the thin and thick filaments effectively shortens, forming the basis of muscle contraction R-HSA-6785807 Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling. Interleukin-4 (IL4) is a principal regulatory cytokine during the immune response, crucially important in allergy and asthma (Nelms et al. 1999). When resting T cells are antigen-activated and expand in response to Interleukin-2 (IL2), they can differentiate as Type 1 (Th1) or Type 2 (Th2) T helper cells. The outcome is influenced by IL4. Th2 cells secrete IL4, which both stimulates Th2 in an autocrine fashion and acts as a potent B cell growth factor to promote humoral immunity (Nelms et al. 1999). Interleukin-13 (IL13) is an immunoregulatory cytokine secreted predominantly by activated Th2 cells. It is a key mediator in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation. IL13 shares many functional properties with IL4, stemming from the fact that they share a common receptor subunit. IL13 receptors are expressed on human B cells, basophils, eosinophils, mast cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, monocytes, macrophages, respiratory epithelial cells, and smooth muscle cells, but unlike IL4, not T cells. Thus IL13 does not appear to be important in the initial differentiation of CD4 T cells into Th2 cells, rather it is important in the effector phase of allergic inflammation (Hershey et al. 2003).\n\nIL4 and IL13 induce “alternative activation” of macrophages, inducing an anti-inflammatory phenotype by signaling through IL4R alpha in a STAT6 dependent manner. This signaling plays an important role in the Th2 response, mediating anti-parasitic effects and aiding wound healing (Gordon & Martinez 2010, Loke et al. 2002)\n\nThere are two types of IL4 receptor complex (Andrews et al. 2006). Type I IL4R (IL4R1) is predominantly expressed on the surface of hematopoietic cells and consists of IL4R and IL2RG, the common gamma chain. Type II IL4R (IL4R2) is predominantly expressed on the surface of nonhematopoietic cells, it consists of IL4R and IL13RA1 and is also the type II receptor for IL13. (Obiri et al. 1995, Aman et al. 1996, Hilton et al. 1996, Miloux et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 1997). The second receptor for IL13 consists of IL4R and Interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2 (IL13RA2), sometimes called Interleukin-13 binding protein (IL13BP). It has a high affinity receptor for IL13 (Kd = 250 pmol/L) but is not sufficient to render cells responsive to IL13, even in the presence of IL4R (Donaldson et al. 1998). It is reported to exist in soluble form (Zhang et al. 1997) and when overexpressed reduces JAK-STAT signaling (Kawakami et al. 2001). It's function may be to prevent IL13 signalling via the functional IL4R:IL13RA1 receptor. IL13RA2 is overexpressed and enhances cell invasion in some human cancers (Joshi & Puri 2012).The first step in the formation of IL4R1 (IL4:IL4R:IL2RB) is the binding of IL4 with IL4R (Hoffman et al. 1995, Shen et al. 1996, Hage et al. 1999). This is also the first step in formation of IL4R2 (IL4:IL4R:IL13RA1). After the initial binding of IL4 and IL4R, IL2RB binds (LaPorte et al. 2008), to form IL4R1. Alternatively, IL13RA1 binds, forming IL4R2. In contrast, the type II IL13 complex (IL13R2) forms with IL13 first binding to IL13RA1 followed by recruitment of IL4R (Wang et al. 2009).Crystal structures of the IL4:IL4R:IL2RG, IL4:IL4R:IL13RA1 and IL13:IL4R:IL13RA1 complexes have been determined (LaPorte et al. 2008). Consistent with these structures, in monocytes IL4R is tyrosine phosphorylated in response to both IL4 and IL13 (Roy et al. 2002, Gordon & Martinez 2010) while IL13RA1 phosphorylation is induced only by IL13 (Roy et al. 2002, LaPorte et al. 2008) and IL2RG phosphorylation is induced only by IL4 (Roy et al. 2002).Both IL4 receptor complexes signal through Jak/STAT cascades. IL4R is constitutively-associated with JAK2 (Roy et al. 2002) and associates with JAK1 following binding of IL4 (Yin et al. 1994) or IL13 (Roy et al. 2002). IL2RG constitutively associates with JAK3 (Boussiotis et al. 1994, Russell et al. 1994). IL13RA1 constitutively associates with TYK2 (Umeshita-Suyama et al. 2000, Roy et al. 2002, LaPorte et al. 2008, Bhattacharjee et al. 2013). IL4 binding to IL4R1 leads to phosphorylation of JAK1 (but not JAK2) and STAT6 activation (Takeda et al. 1994, Ratthe et al. 2007, Bhattacharjee et al. 2013). IL13 binding increases activating tyrosine-99 phosphorylation of IL13RA1 but not that of IL2RG. IL4 binding to IL2RG leads to its tyrosine phosphorylation (Roy et al. 2002). IL13 binding to IL4R2 leads to TYK2 and JAK2 (but not JAK1) phosphorylation (Roy & Cathcart 1998, Roy et al. 2002).Phosphorylated TYK2 binds and phosphorylates STAT6 and possibly STAT1 (Bhattacharjee et al. 2013). A second mechanism of signal transduction activated by IL4 and IL13 leads to the insulin receptor substrate (IRS) family (Kelly-Welch et al. 2003). IL4R1 associates with insulin receptor substrate 2 and activates the PI3K/Akt and Ras/MEK/Erk pathways involved in cell proliferation, survival and translational control. IL4R2 does not associate with insulin receptor substrate 2 and consequently the PI3K/Akt and Ras/MEK/Erk pathways are not activated (Busch-Dienstfertig & González-Rodríguez 2013)
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Interacting partner Detection method Interaction type PubMed IDs Interaction Score Source ABLIM1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct ACTA1 Affinity Capture-Western physical 11441066 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID AHR Affinity Capture-Western physical 27752740 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID AHSA1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26693507 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID AKT1 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Biochemical Activity, Reconstituted Complex, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, cosedimentation in solution, fluorescence microscopy, protein kinase assay, pull down association, colocalization, direct interaction, phosphorylation reaction, physical, physical association 20856200 , (Europe PMC )0.71 BioGRID, IntAct AKT2 Affinity Capture-Western, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation physical, physical association 20856200 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct ALK Affinity Capture-MS physical 16105984 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ANKRD35 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT ANXA7 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT APIP Two-hybrid physical 16189514 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID APLP1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT APP Reconstituted Complex physical 21832049 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ARMCX2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct ARRB1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 17620599 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct ARRB2 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 17620599 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct ASB15 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24337577 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ASB16 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24337577 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ASB2 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24337577 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ASB9 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24337577 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ATF2 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 22304920 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct ATN1 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID BAG3 Affinity Capture-MS physical 23824909 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID BASP1 Co-fractionation physical 26344197 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID BFSP1 Reconstituted Complex physical 1918147 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID BHLHE40 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct BRAF Affinity Capture-MS physical 27034005 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID BRD1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct C2CD6 Two-hybrid physical 16189514 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CAPN1 Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid physical 12358155 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CASP3 Biochemical Activity physical 18723680 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CASP7 Biochemical Activity physical 18723680 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CASP8 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CBL Affinity Capture-MS physical 21203488 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CCT6A Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CD4 Affinity Capture-MS physical 15047060 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CDC5L Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 20467437 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CDC73 Affinity Capture-MS physical 27462432 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CDH5 Affinity Capture-Western physical 12003790 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CDK2 Affinity Capture-MS physical 21319273 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CDKN1A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CFTR Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 22038833 , 26618866 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct CHD3 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CHFR Affinity Capture-MS physical 19182791 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CNTRL Proximity Label-MS, proximity-dependent biotin identification association, physical 26638075 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct COPS5 Affinity Capture-MS physical 21145461 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID COPS8 Co-fractionation physical 22863883 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CRCT1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CREB1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CRMP1 Reconstituted Complex, Two-hybrid, pull down, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.63 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CTSA Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct CUL1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 21145461 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CUL3 Affinity Capture-MS physical 21145461 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID CWF19L2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct CYLD Affinity Capture-MS physical 27591049 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID DCTN1 Affinity Capture-Western physical 14600259 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID DDOST Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct DES Affinity Capture-MS, barcode fusion genetics two hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 27107012 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.67 BioGRID, IntAct DIS3L2 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID DPPA4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct DSP Reconstituted Complex, Two-hybrid physical 9261168 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID DYNLT1 Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct EEF1D Co-fractionation physical 22863883 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID EIF4A3 Affinity Capture-MS physical 23084401 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ENTR1 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID EPPK1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ESS2 Two-hybrid physical 21900206 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID FABP4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT FAM107A Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct FAM118B Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT FBXO25 Affinity Capture-MS physical 20473970 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID FBXO6 Affinity Capture-MS physical 22268729 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID FLOT1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct FN1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 19738201 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID FOXK1 Co-fractionation physical 22863883 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID FUBP1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct GADD45A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT GAN Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western physical 26460568 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID GFAP Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid pooling approach, two hybrid prey pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.62 BioGRID, IntAct GLB1 Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct GOPC Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct GRB2 Two-hybrid, confocal microscopy, two hybrid colocalization, physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.44 BioGRID, IntAct GSK3B Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT GXYLT1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HABP4 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HAP1 Two-hybrid physical 15383276 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HDAC1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 20585571 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HEY1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 27129302 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HMG20B Co-fractionation, Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 22939629 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct HNF1A Affinity Capture-MS physical 18160415 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HSPA5 Affinity Capture-MS physical 27173435 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID HSPB1 Two-hybrid, reverse ras recruitment system physical, physical association 25277244 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct HTRA2 Biochemical Activity, Protein-peptide, protease assay physical, protein cleavage 17266347 , (Europe PMC )0.44 BioGRID, IntAct HYPK Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western physical 23272104 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID IDE Affinity Capture-MS physical 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID INA Affinity Capture-MS physical 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ING5 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct ISG15 Affinity Capture-MS physical 16009940 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ITGA4 Affinity Capture-MS physical 22623428 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID ITGB3 Affinity Capture-Western physical 18840708 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID IVNS1ABP Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct KARS Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT KAT7 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 15383276 , 16169070 , 16189514 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.75 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT KEAP1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 27621311 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID KIAA0408 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct KIF15 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct KRT20 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid pooling approach, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 16189514 , 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.76 BioGRID, IntAct LGALS3 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24755837 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID LMNB1 Affinity Capture-Western physical 11441066 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID LOR Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct LRIF1 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID LRRK2 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 17400507 , 19826009 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct MAFG Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct MAGOH Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 23084401 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct MAN2A2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct MCM2 Affinity Capture-MS physical 25963833 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MCM5 Affinity Capture-MS physical 25963833 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MCPH1 Two-hybrid physical 29150431 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MEN1 Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex physical 12169273 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MGMT Affinity Capture-MS physical 16226712 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MICAL1 Affinity Capture-Western physical 11827972 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MRPL44 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT MTA1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct MTF1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 28416769 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID MYOC Affinity Capture-MS physical 16289162 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID NAT10 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID NEFL Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification, two hybrid association, physical, physical association 15383276 , 27173435 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.64 BioGRID, IntAct NEFM Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach association, physical, physical association 27173435 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.69 BioGRID, IntAct NELFCD Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NES Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NFATC2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct NIF3L1 Two-hybrid physical 16189514 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID NME2 Affinity Capture-Western physical 11082283 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID NMT1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NOC4L Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct NOD2 Affinity Capture-Western, Two-hybrid, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, fluorescence microscopy, two hybrid colocalization, physical, physical association 21699783 , 22684479 , (Europe PMC )0.72 BioGRID, IntAct NR1H2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT NTRK1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 25921289 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID NUDT21 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID NUP133 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct OSBP2 Co-fractionation physical 11802775 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PA2G4 Affinity Capture-MS physical 19037095 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PAN2 Affinity Capture-MS physical 23398456 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PDIA3 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PDLIM1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PIAS4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PINK1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 23885119 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PKN1 Biochemical Activity, Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , 9175763 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct PKP1 Reconstituted Complex, cosedimentation in solution, far western blotting, surface plasmon resonance physical, physical association 10852826 , (Europe PMC )0.59 BioGRID, IntAct PLA2G2A Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex physical 12829607 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PLA2G4A Affinity Capture-Western physical 18840708 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PLEC Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex physical 11441066 , 3027087 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PNMA5 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct POLR1C Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PPHLN1 Two-hybrid physical 15383276 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PPL Affinity Capture-Western, Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 12244133 , 12366696 , 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct PPM1B Affinity Capture-MS physical 27880917 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PRKN Affinity Capture-MS physical 24244333 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PRMT1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 27173435 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PRMT8 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26186194 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PRPH Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.62 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT PSIP1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct PSMA1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PSMA2 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PSMA8 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PSMB2 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PSMB5 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PSMC5 Two-hybrid physical 15604093 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PSMD7 Two-hybrid physical 15383276 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID PSME1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PUF60 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RAB8B Affinity Capture-Western physical 12639940 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RABAC1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RAD23A Affinity Capture-Western, pull down physical, physical association 16712842 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT RAD23B Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, pull down physical, physical association 16712842 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT RAD51 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RBM48 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RC3H1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26170170 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RCC2 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RIBC2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RIOX1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RNF2 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24457600 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RPA1 Two-hybrid, confocal microscopy, two hybrid colocalization, physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.44 BioGRID, IntAct RPL12 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct RPS7 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct RRP9 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RSPRY1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID RYK Affinity Capture-MS physical 21875946 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SCARNA22 Affinity Capture-RNA physical 22751105 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SERBP1 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SERPINH1 Co-fractionation physical 22863883 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SETDB1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SH3GL1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SH3GL3 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SH3YL1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SIRT6 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SLC25A6 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SLC27A6 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SMARCB1 Two-hybrid physical 27229929 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SMURF1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 23184937 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SNW1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 20467437 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SP1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 22266860 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SPART Affinity Capture-MS physical 19765186 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SPRTN Affinity Capture-MS physical 23254330 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SPTAN1 Affinity Capture-Western physical 11441066 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SRRM2 Affinity Capture-MS physical 16159877 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SRRT Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct STAU1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 23125841 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID STX1A Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct STYXL1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 27880917 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SUMO2 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SUMO3 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SVIL Affinity Capture-MS physical 12202484 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID SYN1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SYNC Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct TAB2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TCHP Two-hybrid physical 16189514 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TCTEX1D2 Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.27 BioGRID, IntAct TES Affinity Capture-MS physical 28378594 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID THOC2 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID THOC3 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID THOC5 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID THOC7 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TJP1 Affinity Capture-MS, pull down association, physical 16944923 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct TNFRSF14 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TNNT1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TOX4 Affinity Capture-MS physical 20516061 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TP53 Affinity Capture-MS physical 25144556 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TRIM15 PCA physical 25450970 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TRIM16 Affinity Capture-Western, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, confocal microscopy colocalization, physical, physical association 20729920 , (Europe PMC )0.46 BioGRID, IntAct TRIM28 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TRIM29 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26381412 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TRIM68 Affinity Capture-MS physical 24999993 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TRIOBP Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TSC22D1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TSGA10 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western physical 20797700 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TTR Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TUBGCP4 Two-hybrid physical 16189514 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TWIST1 Co-localization physical 28779345 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TXLNB Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.70 BioGRID, IntAct TXN Two-hybrid physical 12099690 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID TXN2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct UBE2N Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.27 BioGRID, IntAct UBR1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 28514442 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID UBR4 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID UBTF Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct UPP1 Affinity Capture-MS, Co-purification physical 11278417 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID UPP2 Affinity Capture-MS, Co-purification physical 11278417 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID URGCP Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID UROD Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT USP14 Affinity Capture-Western physical 27448976 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID UTP14A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct VCAM1 Affinity Capture-MS, cross-linking study association, physical 19738201 , 22623428 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct VCP Affinity Capture-MS physical 23383273 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID VIM Co-crystal Structure, Two-hybrid, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, cosedimentation in solution, fluorescent resonance energy transfer, transmission electron microscopy, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach, x ray scattering, x-ray crystallography direct interaction, physical, physical association 11243787 , 11889032 , 15383276 , 16169070 , 17050693 , 21900206 , 22869704 , (Europe PMC )0.91 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT VPS33A Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID WHRN Affinity Capture-MS physical 27173435 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID XPNPEP3 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 26496610 , 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.35, 0.51 BioGRID, IntAct XPO1 Affinity Capture-MS physical 26673895 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID XRCC4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct YAE1 Two-hybrid physical 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID YEATS4 Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID YWHAG Affinity Capture-MS, coimmunoprecipitation physical, physical association 15324660 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT YWHAQ Affinity Capture-MS, Co-fractionation, Reconstituted Complex physical 15161933 , 20618440 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID YWHAZ Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex, pull down, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 10887173 , 15161933 , 20618440 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT ZHX1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct ZYG11B Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct ZYX Co-fractionation physical 22939629 , (Europe PMC )NA BioGRID
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Interacting partner Detection method Interaction type PubMed IDs Interaction Score Source ACTB molecular sieving physical association 15047060 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct AKT1 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Biochemical Activity, Reconstituted Complex, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, cosedimentation in solution, fluorescence microscopy, protein kinase assay, pull down association, colocalization, direct interaction, phosphorylation reaction, physical, physical association 20856200 , (Europe PMC )0.71 BioGRID, IntAct AKT2 Affinity Capture-Western, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation physical, physical association 20856200 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct ANKRD35 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT ANXA7 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT APIP two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct APLP1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT ARMCX2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct ARRB1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 17620599 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct ARRB2 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 17620599 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct ATF2 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 22304920 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct BCAS3 anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, confocal microscopy colocalization, physical association 22300583 , (Europe PMC )0.56 IntAct BECN1 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical association 23112296 , (Europe PMC )0.50 IntAct BHLHE40 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct BRD1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct C2CD6 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct CASP8 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CDC5L Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 20467437 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CDKN1A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CEP126 {ECO:0000303|PubMed:24867236, two hybrid physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct CFTR Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 22038833 , 26618866 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct CHD3 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CNTRL Proximity Label-MS, proximity-dependent biotin identification association, physical 26638075 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct COPS6 two hybrid physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct CRCT1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CREB1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct CRMP1 Reconstituted Complex, Two-hybrid, pull down, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.63 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CTSA Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct CWF19L2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct DDOST Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct DES Affinity Capture-MS, barcode fusion genetics two hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 27107012 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.67 BioGRID, IntAct DIS3L2 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct DPPA4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct DUX4 pull down association 26816005 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct DYNLT1 Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct EBI-11943672 tandem affinity purification association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct ESR2 affinity chromatography technology association 21182203 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct ESS2 two hybrid physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct, MINT FABP4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT FAM107A Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct FAM118B Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT FLOT1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct FUBP1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct GABARAP anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 20562859 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct GABARAPL1 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 20562859 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct GABARAPL2 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 20562859 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct GADD45A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT GFAP Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid pooling approach, two hybrid prey pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.62 BioGRID, IntAct GLB1 Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct GOPC Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct GRB2 Two-hybrid, confocal microscopy, two hybrid colocalization, physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.44 BioGRID, IntAct GSK3B Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT HABP4 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct HMG20B Co-fractionation, Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 22939629 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct HSPA5 inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 IntAct HSPB1 Two-hybrid, reverse ras recruitment system physical, physical association 25277244 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct HTRA2 Biochemical Activity, Protein-peptide, protease assay physical, protein cleavage 17266347 , (Europe PMC )0.44 BioGRID, IntAct IKBKG tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct ING5 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct IVNS1ABP Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct JUN anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association 25609649 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct, MINT KARS Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT KAT7 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 15383276 , 16169070 , 16189514 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.75 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT KIAA0408 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct KIF15 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct KRT20 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid pooling approach, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 16189514 , 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.76 BioGRID, IntAct KRT8 anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association 15846844 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct KSR1 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 27086506 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct LOR Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct LRRK2 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 17400507 , 19826009 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct MAD1L1 two hybrid physical association 27107012 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct MAFG Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct MAGOH Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 23084401 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct MAN2A2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct MAP1LC3A anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 20562859 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct MAP1LC3B anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 20562859 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct MAP3K1 tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct MAP3K3 tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct MAPK6 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 26972000 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct MRPL44 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT MTA1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NAT10 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct NCR1 anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, far western blotting direct interaction, physical association 17056548 , (Europe PMC )0.61 IntAct NEFL Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification, two hybrid association, physical, physical association 15383276 , 27173435 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.64 BioGRID, IntAct NEFM Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach association, physical, physical association 27173435 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.69 BioGRID, IntAct NEK6 two hybrid physical association 27107012 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct NELFCD Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NES Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NFATC2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct NFKB1 tandem affinity purification association 25609649 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct, MINT NIF3L1 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct NMT1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct NOC4L Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct NOD2 Affinity Capture-Western, Two-hybrid, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, fluorescence microscopy, two hybrid colocalization, physical, physical association 21699783 , 22684479 , (Europe PMC )0.72 BioGRID, IntAct NR1H2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT NUP133 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct OCRL anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 25107275 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct, MINT PAWR anti bait coimmunoprecipitation physical association 25218743 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct PDLIM1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PECAM1 fluorescence microscopy colocalization 10801826 , (Europe PMC )0.27 IntAct PIAS4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PKN1 Biochemical Activity, Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , 9175763 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct PKP1 Reconstituted Complex, cosedimentation in solution, far western blotting, surface plasmon resonance physical, physical association 10852826 , (Europe PMC )0.59 BioGRID, IntAct PKP2 far western blotting physical association 10852826 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct PNMA5 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct POLR1C Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PPHLN1 two hybrid physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct PPL Affinity Capture-Western, Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 12244133 , 12366696 , 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct PPP2R2B pull down association 19156129 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct PRMT1 inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 IntAct PRPH Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.62 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT PSIP1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct PSMA1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PSME1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct PUF60 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RABAC1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RAD23A Affinity Capture-Western, pull down physical, physical association 16712842 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT RAD23B Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, pull down physical, physical association 16712842 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT RAD51 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RBM48 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RELA tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct RERE two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct RIBC2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct RIF1 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct RIOX1 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct RIPK2 tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct RIPK3 tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct RPA1 Two-hybrid, confocal microscopy, two hybrid colocalization, physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.44 BioGRID, IntAct RPL12 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct RPS7 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct SDCCAG3 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct SETDB1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SH3GL1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SH3GL3 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SH3YL1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SIRT6 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SLC25A6 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SNCA fluorescence microscopy colocalization 16678164 , (Europe PMC )0.27 IntAct, MINT SNW1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 20467437 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SPART tandem affinity purification association 19765186 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct SQSTM1 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation physical association 20562859 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct SRRT Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct STX1A Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SUMO2 two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 IntAct, MINT SUMO3 two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct SYN1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct SYNC Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , 28514442 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct TAB2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid array physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TCHP two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16189514 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct TCTEX1D2 Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.27 BioGRID, IntAct TJP1 Affinity Capture-MS, pull down association, physical 16944923 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct TNFRSF14 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TNFRSF1B tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct TNNT1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TRADD tandem affinity purification physical association 14743216 , (Europe PMC )0.40 IntAct TRIM16 Affinity Capture-Western, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation, confocal microscopy colocalization, physical, physical association 20729920 , (Europe PMC )0.46 BioGRID, IntAct TRIM28 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TRIOBP Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct TSC22D1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TTR Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TUBA1C barcode fusion genetics two hybrid, two hybrid, validated two hybrid physical association 27107012 , (Europe PMC )0.56 IntAct TXLNB Two-hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach, validated two hybrid physical, physical association 25416956 , (Europe PMC )0.70 BioGRID, IntAct TXN2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21988832 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct UBE2N Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.27 BioGRID, IntAct UBTF Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 26496610 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct UROD Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT UTP14A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct VCAM1 Affinity Capture-MS, cross-linking study association, physical 19738201 , 22623428 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct VIM Co-crystal Structure, Two-hybrid, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, cosedimentation in solution, fluorescent resonance energy transfer, transmission electron microscopy, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach, x ray scattering, x-ray crystallography direct interaction, physical, physical association 11243787 , 11889032 , 15383276 , 16169070 , 17050693 , 21900206 , 22869704 , (Europe PMC )0.91 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT XBP1 fluorescence microscopy colocalization 19941857 , (Europe PMC )0.27 IntAct, MINT XPNPEP3 Affinity Capture-MS, anti tag coimmunoprecipitation, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 26496610 , 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.35, 0.51 BioGRID, IntAct XRCC4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct YAE1D1 two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 IntAct, MINT YWHAB fluorescence microscopy, proximity ligation assay colocalization, physical association 21112954 , (Europe PMC )0.46 IntAct YWHAG Affinity Capture-MS, coimmunoprecipitation physical, physical association 15324660 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT YWHAZ Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex, pull down, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 10887173 , 15161933 , 20618440 , (Europe PMC )0.56 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT ZC3H18 anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 29298432 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct ZHX1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct ZYG11B Affinity Capture-MS, inference by socio-affinity scoring, tandem affinity purification association, physical, physical association 27173435 , (Europe PMC )0.51 BioGRID, IntAct
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Interacting partner Detection method Interaction type PubMed IDs Interaction Score Source ANXA7 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT APLP1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CDC5L Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 20467437 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CDKN1A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT CRMP1 Reconstituted Complex, Two-hybrid, pull down, two hybrid physical, physical association 15383276 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.63 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT ESS2 two hybrid physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 IntAct, MINT FABP4 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT FAM118B Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT GADD45A Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT GSK3B Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT JUN anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association 25609649 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct, MINT KARS Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT KAT7 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 15383276 , 16169070 , 16189514 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.75 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT MRPL44 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT NFKB1 tandem affinity purification association 25609649 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct, MINT NR1H2 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT OCRL anti tag coimmunoprecipitation association 25107275 , (Europe PMC )0.35 IntAct, MINT PRPH Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid array, two hybrid prey pooling approach physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.62 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT RAD23A Affinity Capture-Western, pull down physical, physical association 16712842 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT RAD23B Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, pull down physical, physical association 16712842 , (Europe PMC )0.40 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SH3GL1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SIRT6 Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SNCA fluorescence microscopy colocalization 16678164 , (Europe PMC )0.27 IntAct, MINT SNW1 Affinity Capture-MS, anti bait coimmunoprecipitation association, physical 20467437 , (Europe PMC )0.35 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT SUMO2 two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 IntAct, MINT TNNT1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TSC22D1 Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT TTR Two-hybrid, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach physical, physical association 16169070 , 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.55 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT UROD Two-hybrid, two hybrid physical, physical association 21900206 , (Europe PMC )0.37 BioGRID, IntAct, MINT VIM Co-crystal Structure, Two-hybrid, bimolecular fluorescence complementation, cosedimentation in solution, fluorescent resonance energy transfer, transmission electron microscopy, two hybrid, two hybrid pooling approach, x ray scattering, x-ray crystallography direct interaction, physical, physical association 11243787 , 11889032 , 15383276 , 16169070 , 17050693 ,